Diary of a Space Archivist: Cast & Crew

Diary of a Space Archivist began life as a one-woman show, and while I am still one woman writing, recording, editing and producing, I am no longer one woman acting! The show has grown and that has led to an increase in the wonderful voices populating it!

And here they are in alphabetical order – I’m sure you will agree with me that they are all marvellous!

Shelley Firth

Pronouns: she/her

Plays: Holly (younger and older)

Shelley studied English Literature and Theatre at the University of Sheffield from 2007 – 2010. Since graduating, Shelley has worked in various roles in the arts industry; previously working for the learning department at Northern Ballet, leading her to a career in education. Shelley is a qualified English teacher and is currently working in alternative provision as well as pursuing her love of all things theatrical when she can fit it in around teaching. She is currently a freelance workshop facilitator, working with different organisations in West Yorkshire inc. Wakefield Theatre Royal. She is also performing with a number theatre companies in Yorkshire and has really enjoyed dabbling in voice acting for ‘Diary of a Space Archivist’. It has been a pleasure to voice Holly and follow her relationship with CAL.

Gavin Leonard

Pronouns: he/him

Plays: Arthur

Gavin (he/him) trained in theatre studies and has previously worked in both education and professional theatre settings as a technician, teacher, and writer-performer. Over the last ten years Gavin has worked extensively for Theatre Royal Wakefield to support their training programmes and community engagement work. He is passionate about encouraging people from all backgrounds to find their voice through theatre. Gavin nerds for comic books, cats, and cookery shows.

Robert Reed

Pronouns: he/him

Plays: Doctor Theopolis

Rob Reed is a writer, and you can tell because of all the things he does to avoid writing. He teaches video game design, plays guitar and performs poetry – anything but actually sit down and get on with putting words on the page. He does write a couple of blogs, which I suppose is writing, but it’s mostly just rants about arguments he lost years ago, or things he thinks about Doctor Who, so that probably doesn’t count. You can read them anyway, if you want – search online for “Pancakes for Davros” and “Time is Relative: Doctor Who, retold”. Rob enjoys showing off in front of people and has found a number of ways to make this happen. He has been involved in various projects in the region, including the video storytelling group “Tell Me Lies About Love”, the two man show “Never Worn”, and contributions to various performance groups such as Chotto Ooki and The Firm Of Poets.

Maisie Stevenson

Pronouns: she/her

Plays: Al (the interrogator)

Maisie grew up in southeast London and is a direct descendent of one of the Pendle witches. Her parents always thought she would be an actor, but after looking at the ratio of female actors to female acting parts, she thought it was a silly idea. She has been: a croupier, a bookkeeper, a beautician, then finally settled on being a physiotherapist, and despite the Universe’s best efforts, she remains so. She was diagnosed with dyspraxia at age 40 and now uses it as her excuse for everything. She currently lives in Hertfordshire with her amazing spouse H, royal python Mr. Fluffy and best dog in the world, poodle Black Shuck.  She spends her time making cards, crocheting, live and tabletop role-playing and goofing off. A recent convert to Buddhism, she also practises yoga and meditation. She has written and recorded her own podcast which one day she intends to edit. Don’t hold your breath though.

Beccy Stirrup

Pronouns: she/her

Plays: Sam and CAL (also random voices…)

As well as playing CAL and Sam in Diary of a Space Archivist, Beccy writes, edits and produces the show. Diary of a Space Archivist lived inside Beccy’s brain for about ten-years before she began listening to audio-drama podcasts, and decided that was the form for her. She loves making the show and remains both humbled and alarmed that anyone listens to it.

Beccy is a storyteller, and can often be found in her local region leading troupes of children on magical adventures. She has also played roles in some other, fabulous shows, including: Pod to Pluto, Wrestling with the Champ and Moonbase Theta Out.